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The Hidden Princess (Mages and Kingdoms Book 1) Page 9

  “Lovely,” Amelie said dryly. “Then I shall do well when I arrive at your palace as a spy and a mage. The wait is torture.”

  “It doesn’t have to be that way,” Seth grunted, full of frustration but he’d lost her. The emptiness returned to her eyes. Talon shook his head and shrugged and Derrick shot him a sympathetic look.

  Fine. If she wanted to continue this silence, then his path hasn’t changed. He’d do what he could for her, in fact he knew he’d do more than he could for her. He’d barter whatever leverage his title, his stubbornness, and relationship with his father and brother could buy. But this was too important to his people. To his kingdom. Rankor was the first threat in some time and a serious one at that. He needed answers.

  “Let’s go,” he said, rolling up his supplies and heading towards his horse. “We need to make faster progress to the palace. This detour has put us behind.”

  Talon cocked his head in question. Seth ignored the silent question and instead barked, “There is a lot going on out here and it is obvious our continued presence is needed on the road. I will stop this. Let’s. Go.”

  Seth mounted his horse and rode on without waiting for a response.

  Chapter 17


  Amelie was deep in thought the next day as the afternoon dipped into a lazy haze so she was caught off guard when a brown blur streaked past her vision and struck Unger in the throat. The large brute of a man gave an uncharacteristic gurgle before slumping off his horse and hitting the dirt with a thud. The prince’s men immediately drew their weapons and tensed, their eyes giving the briefest rays of grief for their fallen comrade before steeling for battle.

  The attack came from all sides.

  They had only a moment to draw a breath before they were engaged by a flurry of arrows and movement. Several took to the trees for cover. Talon’s eyes pierced the foliage, his bow returning deadly arrows to the sources of the attack. Amelie could hear screams as the assailants dropped from their perches. Talon’s aim effectively crippled their attack and forced the enemy to face the soldiers sword-to-sword.

  Amelie flinched as they drew near, still bound and helpless. The chain tether between herself and her captors was not used while on the horses but her wrists were still tied and her hands covered in leather. Prince Seth drew closer to her, his sword extended in anticipation.

  “Cut my ropes,” Amelie demanded, shifting off the mare clumsily as a man nearly swiped at her leg with his sword. Prince Seth cut him down. He glanced at her hesitantly.

  Amelie’s voice became fierce. “Cut my ropes.”

  Prince Seth pulled a knife from the back of his belt and quickly freed her from her binding. She recovered her daggers from the sides of Prince Seth’s belt and took her position to his back. Both of them circled, easily dispatching any enemy that attempted to eclipse them. Amelie sweat copiously as she employed the tactics Captain Lucas had imparted on her. Her arms ached from several days of idle travel being tied to the horse.

  Amelie dodged a deft swipe from a broad sword and brought her dagger up, slicing the man’s wrist and incapacitating his ability to sword fight. He let out a slobbery cry and balled his good hand into a fist but before he could connect it with her head, she brought her knee up into his groin and drew a deadly line across his jugular. He collapsed at her feet as another man rushed her with his blade. Prince Seth used his own blade to push it’s trajectory up while Amelie dug her dagger into the pliable muscle in the man’s side under his armpit. She pulled down with a strangled cry and the man arched his back in pain. His howl was cut off as Prince Seth finished him off with a drive into his chest.

  Amelie’s peripheral caught sight of an assailant charging on Derrick’s rear and she threw her dagger, sinking it squarely into the back of the attacker’s neck. He dropped before Derrick could turn and even register what took place. Her other dagger flew at a man slicing at Talon. It hit its mark, but not before his sword sunk deep into Talon’s shoulder. Talon fell to his knees in pain, but avoided a killing blow when Derrick clubbed the man’s face with his staff.

  Amelie remained in a crouched position, breathing heavily. Prince Seth tossed her his knife and she caught it in time to slice at another assailant on her left. They fought this way, parrying and stabbing until the last of the attackers either fell at their feet or fled back into the forest. Amelie wiped at her face, smearing a streak of blood across her cheek. She and Prince Seth regarded each other solemnly. His eyes flicked over her, searching for injuries and his shoulder relaxed a little when he found none.

  “They were scouts,” she noted and the prince nodded in agreement. They were disposed of too easily. Their orders most likely were to scout and weaken with an attack if given an opportunity. The scrounged number of Prince Seth’s soldiers belied the group’s actual strength and the scouts were picked off quickly with only one casualty.

  Amelie glanced to Unger. Several of the men knelt beside him, quiet. Prince Seth started towards his fallen man and Amelie looked away to give them privacy. She took note that he did not secure her to a horse or tree first.

  A scorching pain suddenly ripped into Amelie’s shoulder and she cried out and fell to her knees, clutching the affected area. Prince Seth immediately returned to her. Amelie drew a hand away expecting to see blood or some indication of a wound but there was none. Her confused eyes met the prince’s. She cried out again.

  “Aaaaaaah!” The pain burned. She realized her voice was not alone. Her cries matched Talon, who was also gripping his shoulder as Derrick put pressure on his wound. Amelie staggered to her feet, propelled by a knowing that pulsed within her.

  She crouched down next to Talon, placing a shaky hand on his cut. Her own shoulder throbbed weakly.

  “What are you doing?” Talon croaked.

  Amelie shook her head. “I don’t know.”

  She drove her hand against the wound, igniting fire. They screamed in unison as the pain ripped through their bodies. Prince Seth teetered anxiously, itching to break the connection. As Amelie pressed on, Talon’s cries slowly subsided into peacefulness. Amelie’s agony increased however and her screaming turned into uncontrollable whimpering but she still did not release. Talon’s skin cooled under her touch and he looked up at her dreamily.

  “It’s gone,” he said amazed. Tears streaked Amelie’s face. She still clutched his shoulder. Talon brought a hand up over hers. “You’re burning up, Amelie.”

  Prince Seth finally stepped in and picked up the trembling princess. Her head rested against his shoulder. Finally free of her contact with Talon, her eyes closed and her eyelids fluttered heavily. Her breathing became rapid. The burn in her shoulder spread throughout her body. The need to touch Talon’s ache came from the same place as her unbidden pull on men’s desires. Only instead of channeling it then feeling a drained cold afterwards, she felt a fever and uncontrollable twitching in her muscles.

  “Roll out a sleeping mat and fetch water from the river,” Prince Seth barked to one of his men. Amelie was quickly lowered onto one of the men’s sheepskin. Prince Seth turned to Derrick. “Take four men and set up a thin perimeter. We can’t ride on yet but we’re still vulnerable to the scouts if they regroup and return.”

  “They won’t break our line now that we know they’re there,” Derrick rumbled before motioning to three of the soldiers.

  “Peter, see to Unger,” Prince Seth commanded quietly. “Prepare him for his last respects. We will honor him tonight.”

  Chapter 18


  Amelie awoke to a dim light and faint murmurs. She squinted into the trees and could see a circle of soldiers swaying. She propped herself up on her elbows, taking care to rise slowly. A blanket fell from her chest.

  “Pleasant nap?”

  Prince Seth’s voice startled her. He gazed at the movements of his men. “Unger’s passing ritual.” He answered her silent question. “He was a fine soldier.”

  “Shouldn’t you be with them?”
  “I was. I gave the speech. I passed the drinking cup. Each man takes a drink to symbolize the last cheer. Then everyone sways and quietly speaks their remembrance until they slip away from the circle. The last man left is the one that knew him best.”

  Amelie sat all the way up and stretched out the soreness in her arms. “I did not know him well, but I still had something to say. Despite our initial meeting, I came to realize he was a good fighter and an honorable man.”

  The prince smiled. “He was. And he knew it. Don’t worry. He knew of your respect for him. He returned it.”

  Amelie nodded and continued watching the men. Talon slipped from the group and immediately glanced her way. His face took on a relieved smile and he waved before disappearing into the trees.

  Prince Seth saw her watching him. “He’s taking up a position in the perimeter so another soldier can join the mourning. We don’t have the luxury to drop our guard. He was worried about you.” He paused a moment before adding, “As was I.”

  “I don’t know what came over me. I just felt the instinct. This has never happened.”

  “Talon’s respect for you runs deep. He is fiercely protective of you.”

  “He does not owe me. Despite my curse and all my rough dealings, I have no wish to harm the innocent and the good or let harm befall them.”

  “His protectiveness precedes this battle. He’s been cautious of your safety since we began this journey. He was the only one I trusted beyond myself to sit with you while I performed the passing ritual.”

  Amelie scowled. “I will not run, Prince.” She almost spat the words and her anger surprised her although she did not know why. One battle together on the same side and an act of goodwill for one of his soldiers was not enough to lift her from suspicion. And if she was being fair, she would not be immediately trusting if the roles were reversed.

  “Not to guard your captivity, Amelie, to guard your safety. You were feverish for hours. Just recently you cooled and I was able to cover you with a blanket and watch you get some much needed peaceful sleep.”

  “Oh.” Amelie’s cheeks flushed with embarrassment. “Thank you.”

  “Tell me how you honor your dead.” The prince’s head was cocked to one side and he watched her with interest.

  Amelie’s mind flicked back to Philip’s funeral and she shuddered and drew the blanket over her shoulder while adjusting her sitting position. “We stand in a circle much like you do,” she said. “There is always a singer. The song is hummed or sung, very long notes and mournful. Then we set fire to the body and the fire releases the soul and the smoke guides it to the sky.”

  Prince Seth was quiet a long moment. “It’s amazing. Our borders touch but I know so little about your kingdom.”

  Amelie gave a small smile. “Yes. I wonder what I will find when I reach your palace. If the rest of the royal family is anything like you, I shall find a hilarious set between your brother and your king. Quick with a sword but can’t shoot an arrow without risking it winding up in someone’s arse.”

  Prince Seth laughed heartily. “You should talk! Your kingdom is riddled with rumors regarding the palace. I’ll bet if you looked under the beds and in the wardrobes you’d find a missing princess. Legend has it the kingdom misplaced her.”

  Amelie’s laugh was hollow and forced. She tried not to let her alarm cut through the humor.

  Their voices faded to silence, the prince regarding her thoughtfully and Amelie looking everywhere but at Prince Seth.

  A breeze tousled her short hair and Prince Seth rested one hand on the side of her head, capturing the tresses there. He slowly turned his hand so that the back of his knuckles pressed against the side of her forehead and smiled.

  “The fever’s gone.”

  Amelie leaned into his touch absently. “Yes,” she whispered.

  He let his hand rest on her skin a moment longer before drawing it away. His eyes were unreadable. Amelie felt an odd sensation pass through her. It was akin to the tingling feeling she had at the manor ball, but stronger and more pronounced. Feeling scared of this phenomenon she drew away from the prince and turned her eyes back to the mourning. Prince Seth spoke.

  “That mage in the village? He wasn’t the first one. Mages have been disappearing in our kingdom. Rumors keep coming into the palace. As you know, my father dismisses any concerns regarding mages. Draedeans don’t allow magic. Kernan and I don't mind the mages. They have always kept their magic to themselves, using it without bothering anyone else.

  “Kernan and I have been intercepting these reports without my father’s knowledge. I’ve been trying to track down these missing mages. No matter what the king says, they are still our people. Something is gravely amiss. And now this attack. Someone doesn’t want us to keep looking into it.”

  Amelie said nothing, just kept her eyes trained on the mourning soldiers with a rigid body. Every word pierced her ear. She drank in his trust. It warmed her while simultaneously giving her a sense of dread. The question hung unspoken in the air. Do you know any information concerning this?

  Amelie felt her breathing labor. She couldn’t return his trust. She ached to. This need to give him a piece of her was strong, but it warred with everything she’d been conditioned to believe. That the kingdom comes first. That men are nothing more than tools for her using. That the people outside Candor’s borders were strictly nameless faces and missions.

  He nodded slightly at her silence and flicked small stones into a clearing to the right of them. “Our goose hunt led us to Lord Lennox’s manor.”

  “So that’s why you were there. Lord Lennox told me your arrival was a surprise,” Amelie remembered.

  Seth nodded. “We’d caught wind of rumors that some of the mages were taken to his manor. And that he was receiving messages from the elusive Rankor.”

  Amelie refused to look at him. He continued anyway.

  “I imagine you were on a similar mission. I hadn’t realized Rankor’s actions were affecting neighboring kingdoms.”

  Amelie put a soft hand on his forearm to stop him and finally looked at him. “Prince Seth. I cannot return your willingness to share. Please, don’t speak to me of anything else.”

  He covered it with his own hand and kept a steady gaze on her eyes. “Your magic is one I’ve not encountered before. And if Lord Lennox is any indication to the treatment you suffer from men, I understand your hesitation to trust them.”

  Her eyes narrowed in confusion. “How do you know so much when I reveal so little?”

  His soft chuckles angered her as he drew away. “Your revelations come in great quantities despite your bitter tones and your glares. You can’t keep your character hidden underneath a blanket of petulance.”

  “Hmmph. What you call petulance is a normal response, I should think. I am your prisoner.”

  He stopped chuckling and tilted his head in agreement. “You are right, unfortunately. Very unfortunate, actually.” He stood and brushed the dried leaf bits from his riding pants. Only a scattering of soldiers stood in front of Unger’s body now. The rest were silently setting up a somber camp.

  “We agreed. That night. Just Seth, if you will.”

  And he left to assist the soldiers in camp.

  Amelie was left without any restraints.

  Chapter 19


  A dark midnight blanketed the camp. Sounds of forest nightlife and the soldiers’ soft snores peppered the air. Amelie laid stone still in her bedroll with only her eyes flicking about and taking in her surroundings. Should she run? She’d never been this deep within Draedean territory before. These soldiers were some of the best she encountered, better than many of Captain Lucas’s men. She would need to slip by the ones holding a perimeter guard for any more scouts. An attempt to strip any supplies off the sleeping ones would be futile. She supposed she could get by until she reached a village. They had treated her well and she was fully recovered from the effects of Lord Lennox’s poison. She received a fair
ration each morning before setting off and each afternoon supper. She was in good health. Prince Seth had seen to it.

  Prince Seth.

  Her chest pierced with something unrecognizable. He slept the same distance he always did from her, except tonight she was not shackled or tied to anyone or anything. His face was slack with the soundness of sleeping, completely unguarded and without a strain of concern. The prince’s actions were always deliberate. His peaceful sleep was giving her permission to walk away.

  She pursed her lips and gave a small shake of her head. Tomorrow, she decided. They were loosening around her and her presence here in the morning meant that the prince would likely leave her untied yet again. Perhaps Talon would take her on a short tour through the forest to poke at some herbs and she could get a bearing on which direction to take to get back to Candor.

  Also, she wanted a chance to reveal to Prince Seth what she knew of Rankor before she bid farewell to this group. He had confided in her. She wanted to leave him with something. Something that showed him that she was no longer his enemy. That she didn’t wholly distrust him. That she understood she forced his hand in her captivity and felt something close to gratitude at his permission to slip away.

  Her eyes fluttered heavily and for the first night since she left the convent for this mission she slept soundly.

  Chapter 20
